459. What would happen if it really did rain cats and dogs?
Well, Bob Barker would be very upset because it would be impossible to spay and neuter all of them!!!
I love this website that gives you prompted blog subjects! Who would really ask this question? Really?! But to be fair, I did decide to do this blog, so I guess I'll have to answer the question! I think it would be best put out in pro's and con's, so I'll make a list of both.
~Everyone would have a pet! Or 1,000!
~The pickings of the pets would be easier. If you didn't like one, just throw it back outside in a cat or dog puddle and pick one that suits your fancy better.
~That's really all I can think of for pro's. :/ If I was in a wittier mood, I'm sure I could come up with some better ones, but I'm just not feelin' it today.
~It would REALLY suck to drive in a rainfall of cats and dogs. They would probably break your windshield, dent your car, and can you imagine swerving around all of them?! Or would you just run them over? Hmmmm, that's probably another blog....
~There are bound to be mean cats and dogs in this rain mix.
~SO many cat fights!
~SO many dog fights!
~The spay and neuter thing I mentioned earlier.
So I guess the verdict is that I'm sure glad it literally doesn't rain cats and dogs. lol :) I'd love love LOVE to hear your take on the question!!!!!
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