Monday, December 21, 2009

Blog 6

273. Would you like to be famous? Why or why not? What would you like to be famous for?

Of course!!! I have always wanted too. Well, just as much as anyone else probably. But I just admit it. ;)

As a kid I wanted to be a singer, but I think 95% of kids, girls at least, had that dream. I remember getting my first tape (yep, cassette tape! LOL), it was Paula Abdul, and I'd jam out to her, singing as loud as I could. When I watched her music videos, I wanted to have my hair, make-up and outfits JUST like hers. Boy how times have changed! LOL! But let me tell you, I could do my bangs in that high wave better than ANYONE I knew! Seriously!!! I was super talented in that way. ;)

Then I went through a phase in high school (during the OJ case, man, that dates me, huh?) where I wanted to be a famous lawyer. Not just a lawyer, but a famous one. I wanted to wear all the fancy high end suits and shoes and wear cute little glasses and argue with anyone who would pay me to. I still argue with whoever, but you don't have to pay me unless you really want too. lol :) I think I may have missed my calling by not being a lawyer, or a politician for that matter, but my husband gets plenty of my arguing and debating, so I guess it's not such a lost cause after all. :)

So yes, I would love to be famous. Pretty much for any reason (within reason, lol) that would make me that way. ;)

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Blog 5

469. Did you have a favorite blanket or toy? Tell about it.

I do.
And my husband probably hates it.
It's not a toy, it's a blanket that I use on our bed. It's not as big as our HUGE bed, even though it's a big blanket, so when I make the bed I make it with the blanket all the way on my side of the bed and Miah maybe gets 1/4 of it. :) But he's fine with that. He's not as in love with it as I am. :)

I got the blanket as a gift when I was either in jr. high or high school, I can't remember which one, but I've loved it since the moment I got it! It's handmade and quilted and super soft on the sleeping side. I admit, it's probably the ugliest thing I've EVER seen but I just don't care because it snuggles me sooo good!! :) It's ridiculously coming apart and is in MAJOR need of repair, Daisey likes to chew on the tassels and like I said, it's super duper ugly, but it's still my favorite blanket. :)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Blog 4

572. What pets have you had as a child, teen, and adult?

This is an interesting question to answer because I bet I've had hundreds of pets. Mainly cats and fish and the occasional dog, but I remember my first kitty very well.

My mom swears I came up with her name all on my own, but I think she may have helped me with it because I think it's a pretty big name for a 3 year old to come up with all on her own. But....who knows. I could definitely see my kids coming up with a name like that when they were 3, so maybe my mom is right. And it was all me. Want to know the cat's name? Of course you do!
Yep. Songa Sewer Butt, but I affectionately called her just Songa. Songa?! Really? SONGA? What kind of name is Songa? I did and still do adore music and I love and still do love to sing, so maybe that was it. I don't know. But somehow I came up with the name Songa. And so it was, my first cat was Songa Sewer Butt. I loved her very much. But she was a very strange kitty. She ate her babies. Yeah. idk. Weird cat. lol

I've had several other cats, Bob, Pepsi, Sprite, Willie, countless nameless ones, Mandy or Brandy the dog, I can't remember which one the name was, maybe we had one of both, lol, then we had Dani the dog. And sooooooooooo many fish. I know that I named them, but I can't remember any of their names.

And now I just have one cat and one dog and plan to keep it that way. My Daisey and my Lilly are perfect!! :D

Friday, December 18, 2009

Blog 3

47. "An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind." -Buddha

I don't think I've ever had an evil friend. Well, no, I take that back, I have had an evil friend or two, but not evil like "I'm going to murder you", lol, but evil in the since that they want to see you not succeed in life. SUCKY! I feel relieved to not be friends with people like that any longer!

But outside of just a VERY small handful of "evil" (insincere is definitely a better word) friends that have come and gone in my life, I feel pretty blessed for the most part. My good friends way outnumber the bad ones. I've had a friend or two that has literally broke my heart, but who hasn't right? I TRULY believe that forgiveness is only the best thing to do in situations like that. Holding grudges, being mad/mean, constantly dwelling on the negative will ONLY HURT YOU. You being mad, holding a grudge will not hurt your friend. They aren't in your head. They don't feel your feelings or pain. If you forgive, you won't feel the pain as bad either! For me, that's always been my motto. But at the same time, forgiveness for me doesn't mean putting myself right back into the same situation or forgetting. A few of my friends who are part of the small group that have broken my heart I'm still friends with, but definitely not in the same capacity as I was. It's just not beneficial. But not forgiving them is detrimental.
So, forgive the insincere and evil friends you've had (or have?! lol) but just don't put yourself back in the same position to be taken advantage of.

Thus ends my public service announcement. Carry on....

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Blog 2

459. What would happen if it really did rain cats and dogs?

Well, Bob Barker would be very upset because it would be impossible to spay and neuter all of them!!!


I love this website that gives you prompted blog subjects! Who would really ask this question? Really?! But to be fair, I did decide to do this blog, so I guess I'll have to answer the question! I think it would be best put out in pro's and con's, so I'll make a list of both.

~Everyone would have a pet! Or 1,000!
~The pickings of the pets would be easier. If you didn't like one, just throw it back outside in a cat or dog puddle and pick one that suits your fancy better.
~That's really all I can think of for pro's. :/ If I was in a wittier mood, I'm sure I could come up with some better ones, but I'm just not feelin' it today.

~It would REALLY suck to drive in a rainfall of cats and dogs. They would probably break your windshield, dent your car, and can you imagine swerving around all of them?! Or would you just run them over? Hmmmm, that's probably another blog....
~There are bound to be mean cats and dogs in this rain mix.
~SO many cat fights!
~SO many dog fights!
~The spay and neuter thing I mentioned earlier.

So I guess the verdict is that I'm sure glad it literally doesn't rain cats and dogs. lol :) I'd love love LOVE to hear your take on the question!!!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Official, Blog 1

97. "This above all; to thine own self be true." -William Shakespeare

((if the above sentence confuses you, please refer to my previous blog and click the link, it's way cool and you'll get what I'm doing.))

I mostly agree with this statement. And in the last few years, I think I'm learning and learning that it IS ok to be true to yourself. You're you. You have your own thoughts, your own choices to make, your own will, your own direction. My whole life I've always been afraid of offending someone, always making sure that no one was mad at me, tiptoeing around the people that I felt I needed to, was bold enough around the people who I thought could handle it, and frankly, it got to be too exhausting. Not to say that I changed to a different person depending on who I was with, because that wasn't the case, but I can say that I adapted myself a little to fit the company I was with better. And of course, I think that needs to be done in any situation, but I was letting it overwhelm me almost. That wasn't good. It wasn't healthy for me.

I think I've been changing for the past 3 or so years into being "true" to myself, but mainly in the last year. Turning 30 has had a pretty big impact on me. For the better. I've learned some hard and painful lessons by being this way (true to myself), but lessons that needed to be learned for my benefit. I've realized people aren't fair or kind when something doesn't go their way, or words spoke to tickle their ears, or you don't act how they think you should, but I've also learned that people gain respect and look up to people who are willing to really and honestly be true to their self and what they believe and believe in. I think the balance is good. You find out a lot about yourself by being true to yourself. ((how many times can I say "yourself" in a sentence?? LOL))

Above all, I think you should be true to God, so that's why I said earlier that I mostly believe in this quote, but that's the one difference. But in being true to God, it makes it a lot easier to be true to yourself. And it allows you to be confident in doing so.

Hello!!!!! And an idea....

I have many things to thank my friend Acacia for, but most recently was part of our visit last night when we were talking about old school days. She mentioned something about a journal entry that she had written that was prompted by the teacher. I remember those days! And those entries! And I thought it would be a perfect opportunity for me to do it here.

Truth be told, I love to blog, but often go to my blog site and sit and try to think of something to say, something witty, something to write about and 9 times out of 10 come out empty handed. Or empty blogged, if you will.

I searched for a site for prompted entries and I found one!!!!

Click here for the site

I'm excited to do this! I feel like it's a lazy way to blog, but oh well. That's ok. I'm going to make it MY way of blogging! And I'm sure it's going to be fun. :) to do my first, er, second entry!!!! :)